Sunday, 12 August 2007

The Defining Line of Intelligence

This is actually today's entry. Do excuse the overload of updating :D

The defining line of intelligence... do you know what that is? For me, it's the invisible, unwritten line that sets the above average humans apart from the average, and there is another line to separate the average from the below average.

I think (this is another 'I think' entry, yes) that the teens and even children who are:

- badly behaved
- obtain poor test results
- have poor concentration
- show a lack of interest in their education and learning

all experience these effects because they know there are better people than them - and simply give up. If they can't understand something, then why try? Perhaps they loose faith in themselves, unable to bring themselves to at least attempt to understand it more thoroughly than before, than their previous try.

Their interest and attitudes towards learning decrease and are absent, whereas of course the above average children take a shine towards their education and love to learn, are well behaved and well-mannered.

This also depends upon temperament, personality, experiences and lifestyle (experts are always rabbitting on about healthy diets affecting performance at work and school, and generally your outlook on life).

Just my thoughts on the matter. (:

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