Tuesday, 23 October 2007

A Grand Few Days Out: The Student Life Edition

This is Blythe Beresford. Reporting for the channel 6000 show Distraction from Behind.

Yes, a moment of pure humour there. Anyway, on with the report. I don't know if I should call journal writing a 'report' because... its not formal - its for other people to read, to inform them of your life, to let far away family members know whats going on with you and everything around you. In other cases its purely a way to document feelings, thoughts, wants, fears, dreams - for yourself. So on one hand it is reporting the events of your life, but not for a formal audience. Is that why its simply a log? Because it records the happenings of everyday on the interwebs. But it is not a diary - because it's not purely private; we are broadcasting everything we write down to those that will bear to read it [or, perhaps, be interested! :) ]

Pfftt, that wasn't even the point of this entry. That above was more like me reasoning with myself after two days of getting up at 8 am sharp, little food, a day of 25 minute walk to and from the building, and a cup of very chocolatey hot chocolate (actually, I'm being a bit crochety here; the hot chocolate was fantabulous).

Have you guessed it? I've been staying at Natalie's bedsit for the best part of two days. Sunday I arrived when mum dropped her off; me laden with my hold-all and a sleeping bag wrapped up tightly. I had no idea what to expect - so I approached everything with an open mind. We spent Sunday evening laptopping - watching House and Shrek 3, really. We had some biscuits and an orange each, OH yes and the fire alarm went because someone had burnt toast [nach, y'know, who burns toast these days?!] and soon it was time for bed [my these days fly past don't they ;) ]

I soon discovered that while the scratchy maroon carpet is good for scratching itchy feet on, it is not ideal for sleeping on. With my two grazes on my right elbow I wasn't feeling to great when my sleeping bad slipped from underneath me a little too far and I found my elbow digging onto the hard floor. Ouch. After all the palaver, I finally settled when I opened the sleeping bag fully [save for the bit where I put my feet to keep them warm :3] and I lay on my pillow lengthways, using instead the fluffy mohair pink cushion Nat keeps on her armchair. Oh, yes, and she gave me her bedthrow too, to keep me warm. It was a bit of a sleepless night but I did manage to gain a few hours. I think. Apparenty I snored - always a good sign. :)

Morning dawned with freshened faces... actually it turned out that we had ten minutes to up and out. A scrambled frenzy of pulling socks on and whisking toothbrushes round our mouths ensued. There wasn't time to stop off for breakfast; oh no, we had to walk for 25 minutes straight to reach the Roscoe building for Natalie's first lecture. Upon arrival, I was introduced to Sophie, Cat, Andrew and ... Nat was it Avanti? We entered lecture theatre A to have 45 minutes of a talk about blood. Naturally I didn't fall asleep; blood interests me. Sort of. There were parts which I found a little yawny but perhaps that was just because I was tired. :)

After first lecture we headed off with Nat's little posse to a cafe called Gemini. I ordered a sausage sandwich and squirted ketchup over it; beautiful. Natalie had a fried egg sandwich and I had water, she had white coffee [too milky, supposedly]

Later I had a hot chocolate - it was fantabulous!! Very very chocolate-y. We spent about 2 hours moping about in the corner of the cafe, me with some of Natalie's paper to doodle on to keep me occupied. Lots of phagocytosis (??sp??)) drawings ensued, mostly captioned with 'OM NOM NOM NOM' :)

After second lecture - Evolution (boring, she made it soooooo awful to listen to but at least she asked us questions :D no, I didn't answer) - Nat took me round Manchester Museum. Woww, those skeletons. And that Golden Eagle, and that Tiger, and the Albatross, the Swan, the Condor... wow. Oh and the whale skeleton, the giant crab, the bugs in the cases, the Elephant skeleton... wow. I wasn't as impressed by the T-Rex as I thought I'd be, but actually I think I enjoyed the other stuff more. shame they didn't have any poison dart frogs in the life exhibition :/ And they should have had a stuffed Camel and a crocodile skeleton. *nod* Oh and a Mammoth. :3

We returned to the bedsit, did some writing and admin stuff. Chris rang round to talk, while we were eating our dinner of pasta. Invited us along to watch 'Heat' that night, and my god. NEVER WATCH THAT FILM. SLOWEST MOVING FILM EVER. We got told it was 2 hours long.... but it was about 3 instead. God, full of cranky old men who I didn't even recognize, like or could tell apart. Anyway. Enough of that. As one of the girls who was there commented, "Its like... 7 movies, all squished together. There's too many different things going on," or something like that anyway.

So we returned to Nat's room, and I slept very well thankyou :) thought I might as well have kept my socks on to stop my feet getting cold ^^

All in all I think I've had a very very good time; not sure whether Nat enjoyed it or not but, well, she can't have an opinionated say at the moment because she's out at lectures [I couldn't go with her today because she's partly in the Stopford building where I'm not allowed to go ;) ]. Now I'm just whiling away the time, waiting for mum to pick me up at 3. :)

Over and out xxx

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