Friday, 22 June 2012


I can't think of a better title - and I don't want one, either.

I'm at a very strange, exciting and unknown stage in my life at the moment. A transitional period between my compulsory education and doing what I choose to do - properly - with the rest of my life. It could be work, travel, further education. I hope it involves a little part of each most of the time.

But it's also very strange because I don't have much - apart from my spare time and whatever spare change is in my wallet. I don't have an income but I'm really happy. I don't mean just simply "looking on the bright side, finding the silver linings" happy. I mean truly happy and content, for the first time in a long while.

I have little things I do every day but no strict routine. I can stay at home or go somewhere - somewhere familiar or somewhere curious and new to me. I am more inspired to write than I have been for months and words keep coming to me before I've even had a chance to write the previous ones down. I feel imbued with a special kind of ability to wax about any subject at all. I have discovered this amazing perspective, like a pair of inversely tinted spectacles I can wear. Through them I look at something or anyone and can find a definite word or twenty. Even on taxi-drivers.

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