Monday, 9 June 2008

A Grand Day Out: The Leeds Edition

Because on the sixth of June it was my friend Daisy's birthday, the following day, a Satdie, she invited Lizi (other friend) and me to Leeds for some shopping.

The day started off (for me) with an early enough start (for a Satdie) at 8am. I ate my Rice Krispies (snap, crackle and pop!), had a shower, and at quarter to ten went to catch the bus which would take me into Holmfirth Bus Station. Upon arriving I had a twenty minute wait - I was getting picked up by Daisy's parents and they were running a bit late. I texted a few people and listened to my mp3 player to pass the time.

We drove to Lizi's house and picked her up, and were on the motorway for about an hour or so before we reached Leeds. Parking up we walked along the canal, listening to the sounds of one man and his guitar on the other side of the canal. We split off from Daisy's parents and walked first to a vintage shop. Finding nothing of interest (as it was also very expensive) we trundled to TopShop and H&M. I found a really nice skirt (which I could do with some leggings for) in H&M for £10. Departing the store, we headed to Pizza Express for lunch (as it was about 1pm by then, as we had arrived at about 12pm.)

I had a simple margherita pizza with a Sprite. We sat for about an hour before paying and leaving (although we didn't have any money left over for a tip) and we headed off to Primark, where I bought some new shoes. We then headed to Debenhams for Lizi and Daisy's Benefit makeovers (I chose not to have one, thanks, not my thing lol). Daisy stocked up on Benefit makeup and I paid her £10 for some lipgloss so that was her birthday present from me (it is very expensive makeup, just so you know before you start asking "10 bloody quid for a lipgloss?!").

Leaving the store we went to the Corn Exchange (where there was only one shop left; they're transforming it into a food court [shame]) we didn't buy anything and it was about time to catch the train back so we decided to walk to the Leeds train station. On the way back we stopped at a sweet shop where Lizi bought herself some sweets (her only purchase of the day) and also at a little shop called Culture Vulture where I bought a snazzy t-shirt (which is quite unique thanks).

We caught the Manchester Picadilly train which stopped off at Huddersfield (because the actual direct North Express train to Hudds was going to be forty minutes - a bit of a long wait). We caught it and sat on the floor (because we didn't want to take up seats that other people could use). Some snobby travellers got on with their luggage and complained loudly and rudely about "We paid for these seats; we should be allowed to sit in them!" and kicked up a rather large fuss so some people had to move from the 'special expensive' seats (which I don't really see whats so much better about them lol). This meant that some people had to stand up, one woman with her kid and her husband. The train jolted during the journey and she fell over, but thankfully her kid wasn't hurt (his cap said "I love my dad!" Which was really sweet, cuz I want one now :D) so we suggested that they sat on the snobby people's luggage (which had just been left there near the doors). Heheheh.

We got off, caught the next bus to Holme, Lizi and Daisy got off in Holmfirth while I rode all the way back up to Holme. I got home about six. So I'd been out for about 8 hours. No wonder I was knackered. XD


In other news, the Manley Road barbeque was really great (thanks Dad & Nikki <3). Doctor Who almost made me cry (OMG SHE KNOWS HIS NAME!!! Talking about this makes me get my excited voice on :D). I'm home ill today from school (I had to catch a bus home and got back at one, because of my period I had really bad pains and my temperature was up quite a lot, and its a boiling day so I nearly fainted. I didn't want to risk actually fainting or nearly again so I rang mum up and arranged to come home).

And for another friend's birthday she got tickets to see the Mighty Boosh in September. She needs a friend to go with, and she said originally that I shouldn't get my hopes up but she'd probably end up taking me, AND SHE IS XD! I'm so excited we're going to see them live. Should be a rave!

Thats it for news, really, except that I get my SATS results for Maths and Science soon, and I got an Exceptional Performance mark for my end of Key Stage 3 Music Assessment (I'm DEAD chuffed). And 6 more weeks till the SUMMER HOLIDAYS!! YAYYYYYY!!!

1 comment:

Digger said...

Glad you had a good time in Leeds :)

I guess the train was pretty full huh? Yeah those little "first class" areas are a bit pointless on those trains aren't they?

Well done on getting an "Exceptional", but then I always knew you were.