Thursday, 30 October 2008

A Grand Week Out :D - The Natalie's House Edition

Well... it's been a great week, actually. I mean I know Nat can't always pay attention exclusively towards me, what with lectures and being around her friends and everything, but I haven't felt that ignored really. Everyone in the house has been really great; hilarities have ensued ("Andrew why are you looking at that keyboard? Is it more interesting to look at than any of us three?" - "Perhaps he's a technosexual?" ) and thanks to Karen, Cat, Nat, Damian and Andrew for a great week so far (despite what the other guys say, Andrew's not that bad! lol).

So Saturday was the day of Andrew's birthday walk. Ok, this was just crazy. We drove around in Cat's car - me, Nat, Cat and Andrew, with Damian's car in front with Damian driving, Karen, Hannah and her brother Charlie in back, and usually Jess and her car behind with Karlina and Sam with her. I hope I didn't miss anyone out. Ok, we went on this random walk, which wasn't even the one we were planning to do, and the weather was awful. I was well equipped with my brolly though so that was alright :)

There were two separate walks on both sides of this road-bridge thing, so we did them both, one before lunch and one afterwards. Cor, I was absolutely knackered after that - so were my jeans, socks and shoes. Damn. My baseball shoes are absolutely disgusting and muddy and so are my jeans and socks and errr. Lunch for me was one cheese and one corned beef sandwich, a chocolate milk roll thing in the shape of a mini caterpillar cake :) and some apple and pear juice. Yum <3.

So then we went on the next walk, but it absolutely chucked it down and I'm not joking, people got stuck in the mud, and we just got fed up and so did the cows :) there was a dead sheep too on one of the walks but that wasn't so great, and also there were the cows guarding one of the stiles, lol, but they didn't seem bothered about us really.

Everyone drove back to the house and they all stayed for tea, and then paid for petrol and stuff and then most of them went, but Hannah, Charlie, Sam, Damian, Andrew, Karen, Cat, Nat and me all went to the Orange Grove for dinner. There was a really cute collie-St.Bernards dog thing in there called Guinness... I had scampi and chips and mushy bees with coke, Nat just had some chips, and other people had other things... hmm that's really informative. Lol. Anyway, there was some lolling about something disgusting, and on that note we all kind of departed and went our separate ways, with Sam, Hannah and Charlie all breaking off from our group and the rest of us heading home. Cat was a bit drunk :)

I think we all just kind of flopped into bed that night; I was knackered, I don't know about anyone else. I slept well, really, and that was the end of Saturday.

Sunday dawned bright, fresh and windy. Everyone had breakfast; me and Nat were up first, I think. Either that or everyone else didn't want to come downstairs and stayed holed up in their rooms :) morning meals were eaten and then everyone but Andrew traipsed off into town to look for Hallowe'en costumes and other bits and bobs. I was prepared with £100 that mum had randomly given me and I ended up buying a jumper and a top for £23, which I probably shouldn't have bought but hey it can all come out of my birthday allowance I suppose... :) I get what I mean.

We didn't actually find that much, except that the ladies found skirts and corsets for their witch outfits. Natalie decided that she wanted me to go as a mime (I don't konw whether its just to keep me quiet at the party or not lol) but thats what I am going as. For Sunday lunch I enjoyed some of Natalie's Uncle Ben's rice (haha, that sounds weird) "American flavor rice!" and then we did... things for the rest of the day. I read half of the Time Traveller's wife and also TLU (or that might have been Saturday I can't remember...) and for dinner we had pork chops, sausages, mash and peas. It was actually really nice x) Onion gravy, yum. Later we sat down in front of Planet Earth and watched about from Pole to Pole.

Monday... Nat keeps waking me up and eight cuz she needs to go to lectures, and I can never get back to sleep lol. So after everyone was out of the house, at about ten I surfaced and showered, although I couldn't work out how to do the shower so I had a weird shallow bath instead. I laptoped for a bit and then went on to conclude the Time Traveller's wife... contrary to what I've heard, I didn't actually need to keep flicking backwards and forwards between various chapters and bits (probably because I couldn't be bothered, didn't need to and its quite hard to navigate that book when you flick back?) so I just straight out read it and it was really quite sad but quite well written and it had great characters and good story line, and some humour which I liked as well.

So on Monday I think we had pasta for dinner, and for the rest of the evening we read, laptoped... then bedded :)

Tuesday... surfaced, showered, drank tea and ate toast, ummm, Natalie read Watchmen (although that might have been Monday...) I think this was the day when Cat and Andrew and Karen went into town to look for more Hallowe'en thingies, well I got given white gloves & facepaint to complete my mime getup :) Tuesday's dinner was turkey curry. Was great. Rice was soft in middle and crunchy at edges, weird but really good. Watched some TV (the whale that blew up in the street, save the last dance, embarassing teenage bodies, simpsons... weakest link)

Wednesday, went into lectures with the guys, first one was about spiders and stuff, didn't go to second one, had to stay in the tin can for about forty minutes, second lecture was about soil, was boring but lecturer was nice and had a soothing Australian voice. Wanted to go to sleep, lol. Walked home, stopped in Sainsburys and another store for various bits and bobs... food and accessories and sewing equipment respectively. Walked the rest of the way home, got in, had potato cakes (they are so weird and yummy) watched more Planet Earth, everyone sewed costumes, had quiche and beans for dinner.

Today I've got up, showered, laptoped most of the day but been writing my NaNo, for NaNoWriMo, I've done about 1/10, I'm chuffed with myself for having done so much already. I don't know why I started early; I think it's because November will be a busy month for me. I have a lot of revision to do for my two proper science exams which will account for something like a quarter of one of the two science GCSEs I will eventually end up with. Better crack on with that then, although I haven't really wanted to do much revision this week and I've only done about 2 hours of it? Ah well.

Hallowe'en party is tomorrow, I think pepperpot soup is for tonight's dinner, and also last night everyone except Andrew helped make Jello shots and also various other jelly related Hallowe'en things, which look quite yummy but also really disgusting lol. Eyeballs and fangs in the jello shots - don't eat the green ones!

I worked out something - the things I usually dread turn out to be great and I have a fantastic time, and the things I get excited for usually disappoint. There are always exceptions to these two rules but apart from that... :C

Ahh, well, I hope tomorrow is great and everyone has a fun time. I can't speak though! Have to enlist the aid of a whiteboard and pen to say whatever I want to say :) lmao.

1 comment:

Digger said...

Looks like falling asleep in lectures may very well be genetically pre-determined ;o)