Thursday, 30 October 2008

NaNoWriMo - Word Count Update #1

Okay so on average, to reach the 50k word finish limit in 30 days you have to do about 1,667 words each day. I've been doing double that on a good day when I just sit down and write it, and today I've managed to do about 5k words. I'm really proud of myself, and also I've produced some of the best stuff I've ever written. The word count really is flying along nicely and I've nearly reached the 10k mark (1/5 of what I need to win). I have about 7,700 words so far and there is more of that to come - and I've probably only written whats worth about 2-3 chapters. Is that good? I don't know. As far as I know, the plot could just keep taking off. I know where its supposed to go, but whether it will let me go there is a different matter :) I should also leave room for expansion if I wanted to actually make it into a proper novel - 50k is half of whats good for a publishable novel, so I think NaNo is named wrongly - it should be novella month rather than novel month. Ah well.

It's also good to have someone you know doing it at the same time as you as well, my friend Kerry from Bristol is accompanying me on this journey of the written word :)

Good luck to all the other thousands of people out there participating. I've been writing before its started because I need to put aside time during November for revision so I won't be able to do as much NaNo then as I would like.

Word count - 7789/50000
Words today - around 5,000

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