Monday, 26 September 2011

But I don't want to go to University...

Considering I have never really had the desire or, at least, never started out dreaming of a career for which a degree is imperative, going to a college who practically shuns anyone with that kind of opinion is proving to be tiresome and trying lately. I thought last year I got a lot of stick for not wanting to go to university - but this year it's even worse. It consists of not only my form tutor but no less than all of my teachers complaining at me that "I'm lazy", "I'm wasting my talents" and "I'm taking the easy way out" by opting not to go onto further education. What is the point of getting a degree when really I will most likely not get a job which enables me to pay off my possible enormous debt from said degree course, probably not even use the degree in the job I want to get, and don't even want to do any kind of university course at all, for which it would be a waste of my time and money. No thanks, I'd rather start earning in whatever kind of job. Just because I wasn't one of those who left school at 16 and started work does not necessarily mean that I want to go onto uni because I went to college. A levels = not just for uni courses. This mindset is something which lately I'm starting to resent; it's basically all this college is about and if you're one of the students who doesn't need UCAS forms and personal statement help sheets shoving at you every five minutes as well as prospectuses well you're more likely to get ignored and your wishes ungranted. Take for example, my wish to enlist on the AS business course this year. I've not been enrolled on it even though the course was NOT full. Everyone else who wanted to take up business as an AS (and they're an A2 student) has had the same problem. I followed this up and hey, nothing got done about it on their end. So then I decided I wanted to re-take Philosophy and drop German. Hey, I couldn't do that either! I'm starting to wonder exactly why. Not to mention how my English teacher has now, three times in a row either when I've been late through factors which were out of my control e.g. high traffic therefore late bus, or not having done some work because I was ill, made a fool out of me in class by failing to select me for 10 questions to which I raised my hand and clearly knew the answer - and then asking me the answer to a question I didn't know. Seriously Julie, seriously? Thankyou for increasing my confidence in your subject. |:

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