Friday, 21 March 2008





I mean, I might do spoilers, but I already knew that when mentioned that Captain John would be back I KNEW he'd be back for the series finale and I KNEW he'd cause more trouble.

What's more... I knew that Jack would find him. I knew it. I knew it'd be in there somewhere; once they've mentioned it it has to happen.
Jack's history, we're finally getting parts of it unveiled, and I love it! It makes me so emotional, and I can see the proper Jack fast peeking through past all the coldness of series 1.
I desperately need to buy all the DVD's. Hehehe. I'll do a full review of the whole series and every single episode when I've watched the last episode (by then everyone will have caught up; I think they want to see how many viewers they collectively get by making everyone watch it at the same time or something... I don't know lol, whatever. That collective power of the viewers will bring us more, more, MORE! *cue evil, manic laughter*) I should have been doing a weekly review but meh, the times I watched them at would have screwed up with people and brought spoilers before your eyes! *cue haggish laughter*. So instead I'll review the whole series 2 and also the premier episode of Doctor Who series 4. Catherine Tate beware my wrath!

I can't believe they're making me wait TWO WHOLE WEEKS for the SERIES FINALE!! NOOO. They're airing it on the 4th of April, and I can't remember if it'll be a Wensdie or a Fridie, but I'll go see. It'll be up on their site.

But damn, this series has gone quick! Maybe its because when it got to around episode 6 I started to watch them on BBC3 afterwards. Late nights ensued but it was definately worth it. And then the following day Doctor Who series 4 starts! My they really are treating us with sci-fi goodness :D

AND THEN OMG did you know the Writers Guild of America was off their strike on Feb 12 2008? I can't believe I'd forgotten about it. However there have been consequences and the third volume of Heroes, "Villains" which was going to make up the second half of season 2, has now been moved to season 3. Damn :/ but there's a nice little preview on youtube, if you want to go and see. It's not very informative really.

And as a small reminder for myself - House season 4, every Thursday on five, 9pm. Caught it on the offchance on its premier episode yesterday night when I was making myself some fish fingers ;]

Anyway I think thats it. A very telly-centric blog today but ah, who cares? I blog about anything and everything.

Quick reviews (yes for a really good episode in my opinion, no for a not so good one)
Episode 1 - Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang: bit too man-on-man action for my liking. I didn't really think it was a good way to start off but it ties in nicely with the series finale so I guess it kind of redeems itself with that. Not one of the strongest. No.
Episode 2 - Sleeper: Umm, yeah, I watched this online, Beth really annoyed me, but it was a good episode. Generally good idea for a plot but I think they could have executed it better; more panic needed perhaps? No.
Episode 3 - To The Last Man: this episode had so much emotion for me; it was such a wonderful idea too. I love the Toshiko moments =) Tommy was really genuine and sweet and was well-developed in the space of 50 minutes. He's not a character I'd want to see again; his own episode was just enough to make people fall in love with his character completely, and I'm glad they hadn't brought him back or anything. Overkill is a terrible thing. Yes.
Episode 4 - Meat: Aww, moralities! Loved it. Sent out a good message about the environment, though whether people picked that up or not I dunno. It showed how we exploit things so much and don't appreciate the beauty of nature... 'kay I'm probably babbling - most of you probably just liked the episode. Very good. It's great that Rhys knows about Torchwood now. Yes.
Episode 5 - Adam: I will admit, this had me in floods of tears from about halfway through. The Jack memories, the Ianto bit, and I thought Eve Myles was magnificent when she had 'lost her memory of Rhys'. It was so realistic. I love the actors in this, they're so good and their characters so ... real. Lol. I kind of covered that in 'realistic'. I generally love episodes in TV series when they reveal about the past before what happens in the actual TV series. =) I love character development. It's one of my favourite things. Ever. Yes.
Episode 6 - Reset: Ehh, Martha. Eww get it away. I didn't like her flirting with Owen, but I found Owen amusing when he interacted with her. The whole Jack-Martha thing was really annoying, but I loved the plot, thats the only thing. I think it'll have to be a yes, purely because of the emotion that there was, and there was an air of detective, sneakiness about it. Yes.
Episode 7 - Dead Man Walking: what was this?! ooh the Grim Reaper. I thought it could have been a good idea. I like the fact that Owen can't have his worldly pleasures any longer, that he's a broken man... again. Lol that guy doesn't really have it easy off. I must admit I'd begun to like Owen a lot more but Reset, DMW and aDitD were all too Owen-centric for my liking, and Martha was not a good substitute. No.
Episode 8 - A Day In The Death: yeah I think I liked this one, the alien artefact was really beautiful, I missed the first 5-10 minutes of this one so I'm not fully clued up and I was kinda confused about it, but ... suicidal!Owen doesn't keep my ducky afloat. I think it's a yes, though, good plot. Yes
Episode 9 - Something Borrowed: I found this both really amusing and kind of scary at the same time. Alien Jack was weird. Scary mother alien person :/ again, dead Owen. I really liked that they did Rhys and Gwen's wedding. Yes.
Episode 10 - From out of the Rain: Yeah... the girl and the man really annoyed me, but it was a good plot and a good solution to the problem. I don't really have much else to say about it. Yes.
Episode 11 - Adrift: God this was so emotional! I knew that there was gonna be something wrong with Jonah when I realized she went to his room; he wouldn't be okay, not with like... 25 minutes left of wind :D. Generally episodes near the end tend to be really good, as are ones at the beginning (kay the first two were a bit crappy for me but that's forgiven. ;D). And the ones in the middle, no surprises because its mainly Martha's fault, are rubbish. Anyway. Loved this. Yes.
Episode 12 - Fragments: I don't really know what to say without giving too much away. I've just watched it about 30 mins ago and its brilliant. Probably my favourite so far, y'know? Its got character development, Janto action HAHAHA, series finale promises, and there will be tears people! On my part at least. But I have to wait a damn 2 weeks. >_< damn you stupid TV people!

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